Repair Work

We do all types of repairs. From simply patching cracks in the firebox to full brick rebuilding. The most common types that we specialize in are:

repoint 1repoint 2


What is a repoint? The removal of and replacement of deteriorating mortar from an exterior chimney.
Why get a repoint? A cheaper alternative to replacing a chimney in need of repair.

chimney pot

What is a chimney pot? A concrete cap with a drip edge Placed on the very top of the chimney.
What does it do? It prevents rain and animals From entering the flue.

top mounted dampersTOP MOUNTED DAMPER

What is a damper? It is any device that fully closes the chimney opening from the outside. Why top mounted? In our experience we find it the least prone to malfunctioning. It will completely seal the opening and is also a rain cap.


What is weather proofing? It is coating the exterior of the chimney with specialized sealants.
Why do I need it? Over time any exterior material will start to deteroriate. Particularly the porous materials, such as concrete block.

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Administration line: 778-882-1340

We are awaiting your call. Get started on a cleaner chimney and cleaner air for you and your family.